Monday, May 2, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

I think about this too late every year and feel rushed to make/buy something. I scoured craft blogs and found something I thought I could do easy, cheaply(not because I am cheap, but because it cost me $70 to fill up my van and money is tight!)and decent enough for their teachers. As I kept reading I found a survey done by teachers naming their best and worst gifts. In the worst column was an item similar to what I was planning to make. Eek. So I asked around and got the feeling that what I was doing was fine, but a reminder to me that I need to think about this earlier and not be so last minute!
Without further ado-my teacher gifts:

I got the basket at Target for $1, the jar for the sugar scrub for $1 at JoAnn's, gum, pen, star post it notes and then the girl's made cards for each of their teachers. Its not wonderful but I hope they like it.


My next craft was to make cards for my third daughter's upcoming birthday. I'd never used the Cricut for card making so it took me a few tries to figure sizes and wording, but she likes the finished product-so that's all that matters!

There is more on the inside of the card(first picture) but I had already filled out all the personal info so I can't show it! I had a lot of fun making them and realized they all did not need to be uniform, so each was the same colors but different variations. She is having a flower birthday party at the end of this month so we are very excited!
I also made my mom a mother's day card
and I filled the inside with lots of love ya mom stuff. ;)

Burp Rags

Babies, babies, babies!!!! Happened to be the last few months that multiple were due at the same time.  My sewing is minimal at best, but I figured to attempt some burp rags. I cannot remember which blog I got the idea or dimensions from or I'd link back, sorry! So I in no way take any credit for any part of these except for picking out fabric, buying fabric and slaving and toiling for the finished product!

I also have to add I am horrible with math so I always just bought fabric, at the moment I have multiple cotton flannel w/ batting sewn on and but no chenille because after making around 20 of these, I quit. At some point I will have to finish them, but the hardest part is done, and I love that they were fairly easy, cute and made great gifts!