Wednesday, June 22, 2011


  • headaches are back-wondering if I should go back to the dr. now so I don't have the issues I had last year. I hate feeling like this-what is causing them? :s
  • listening to worship music is lovely and calming.
  • I'm not where I want/need to be-much work to be done
  • uncertainty reigns with jobs/finances at the moment
  • my kids are driving me crazy this week
  • my stack of filing papers is building-I stare it daily-why don't I just file it and be done?\
  • josh and i watched two horribly disappointing movies last night-when the first one is bad and you put the second one in hoping it will be better and you're wrong-fail.
  • why do my friends live so far away-why don't i have friends like that here?
  • its june and only 69 degrees out-awesome!
  • i-tunes had 69 cent music today-double awesome!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

An Uneventful Day

A Saturday with no plans.
Love it.
It's been cloudy, cool and windy all day. The breeze is just flowing through the house and I, again, love it.
I spent my morning getting some groceries, my afternoon cleaning and taking care of Kaylyn's birthday party preparations for next week and now we are just waiting on dinner(chicken pot pie) to cook.
The backyard is sopping wet or I'd send the kids out to play-they are making me somewhat crazy at this point. We've been so busy this week with swimming lessons for 3 out of 4 kids, that takes up the whole morning, and then work for me has stepped up this week so it's just all kinds of busy that today and tomorrow of complete nothingness-is exactly what we need-especially since next week is just as busy!
Dinner's ready-out!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Travel Binders

So yet again I found some craft things I liked AND thought I could do, also thought necessary with a vacation coming in a month. I've only got started on two, not completely finished with those even and I still have two more to make!
So here's my start of what I have, I take credit for  none of these ideas and as I searched for over 15 minutes and couldn't find where this originated from, I won't be able to link but if/when I do find it I will.
Aubrey and Jaden are the only two I got started on so far...
 I used Picnik to make this photo into a coloring page-made multiple ones for each of the kids
 These are Olivia characters-printed, contact papered, cut and used straws so they can use as puppets
 These I put the velcro on  the graphic then on the page so Jaden can move around and "play" with  the characters.
 This is one of my favorites! Dry erase crayons: So we can reuse mazes/puzzles/etc I stuck the paper into the sheet protector, used the dry erase crayon and then wiped it completely clean! Thanks Crayola-you rock!
 The Peanuts cast, playing sewing cards for my children-they look happy-yes?

I also have printed off many many free printables from various websites, some with just plain ole coloring pages, some with movie characters, PBS, Nick Jr. etc. I found some educational stuff for the older three along with a list of license plates, and a map so they can keep track of our route and check off where we had been. I hope they enjoy them on the trip, that it will keep them happy for the most part!

Blah Blah Blah Something.. Blah

Haven't been in here in awhile and that is for numerous reasons.

You know how you have so much going on in your head that if you don't write it out you feel like you could burst?  I had that, except that every time I tried to write it out.. I blanked. I couldn't figure what to say or how to say it.

Obviously my "running" didn't go any further than week 4, of which I actually couldn't even finish the first day. I'm so frustrated about that, because the only reason I know I couldn't is because I'm too heavy.  Every time I tried to push through my body rebelled-pain is one thing, you can push through pain-this was plain and simple-your body cannot physically do this-right now. I am not nor will not give this up. I will one day finish this, I will one day be able to run 1 mile without stopping to walk. I'm continuing to workout, its the constant battle for me but I will one day beat that as well.  It's a slow process that I'd love to speed up, but I also realize being patient is a big part of the journey.

Summer is now here, kids are out of school, and we have begun  the journey of
1. Non-stop hunger: The minute those lil eyes see daylight they are "starving" they want to know when the next snack will be, what it will be, even if they are currently eating said snack. I'm not sure if this comes from boredom? Which is what I heard growing up, "you're not hungry, you're looking for something to do.. go find something else"

2. BORED: " I don't have anything to do, my toys are broken, old, I don't like them anymore.." I hear much of this( did I say that this is only the first full week out of school??)

3. Canwego? : It's a run-on word.. I hear it repeated multiple times and fast as it becomes blurred into one word.. doesn't matter where.. just that we need to get there and now.

4.TV: Are cartoons on? Can I watch a movie? Can I play the Wii?

I'm  annoyed already thinking of all this annoying stuff so.. moving on.. I am so glad I found Blogger because of my obsessive need to search crafty blogs, I stumble onto some amazing ideas for the kids for the summer.  I'm planning on being careful with these amazing ideas-as to not use them up too quickly because it always seems that last week or two of summer before school resumes, turns into complete madness. Everyone just seems to be ready for that next phase and be done with the break so let's see how well I do stretching this out!