Oh well
I'm not all that caught up in it. .but I do think about.. oh.. I'll write about that and then when I try to sit down and do it, someone hit someone else.. the baby is crying and someone else is hungry.. or thirsty.
Right now.. everyone is busy so I'll take advantage of it and if they need me.. tough.
Ok, so soccer has begun and yesterday we got poured on.. it was cold and everyone was wet and so we headed back to the van and thankfully.. everyone had one extra jacket to wear to warm up with.
The next game wasn't until 3 hours later so we all went home this time instead of hanging out at the field. How miserable that would have been! By the next game time it had dried up considerably but we still left the rest of the kids home with my parents and just took Kaylyn to her game.
Our whole team showed up but the other team looked a little sparse and it was game time. They needed two players and so Josh decided to send over Kaylyn(thinking it'd only be fair) and the asst coach also sent his daughter over. So it was very odd to cheer for our team.. and your kid.. on the opposite team. Thankfully its only kindergarten ball.. it really doesn't matter who wins. They're still learning and figuring out how to play.. they run in mobs around the ball anyways. .it never gets anywhere. Well.. apparently one little boy on the other team had played before. He knew to get the ball.. take it straight to the goal.. and score. And so he did.. over.. and over.. and over. I think thats great for him.. though 2 things bugged me badly about this..
1. A parent from that team was a couple people down from me and every time the lil guy scored. .the man yelled. GOAL!!! heh heh heh.. in the most annoying fashion that I was tempted to yell SHUT UP heh heh heh
Ok, I would've never actually done that.. I have no spine when it comes to things like that but really.. do you have to do that. .in that annoying voice? cmonnnnnnnnn
2. The coach never took the lil guy off of the field or switched him positions. He did eventually tire out and I think thats just too bad for him. He is a great player and he isnt' being nurtured in other positions or seeing that there is a whole team here.. he's not the star. .ok.. he was.. but you know what I mean? Besides the facts that its the rules( and the refs were 9th graders and Josh, although mad, didn't make a big deal of it) to switch the kids and rotate them, its just good sportsmanship to let everybody play, have a chance and when you've creamed the other team in points.. why must you continue to play him?
Ok, so its kindergarten ball and I shouldn't be all that annoyed but I was and this is what annoys me about sports. The need by others to win, at all costs, and pretend to be oblivious to rules or even remotely have good sportsmanship.
enough ranting .. for now. .ha
Soccer is kind of the life right now, we have awana that also fills the week and various other school activities. I can't imagine what it will be like when they are all in school and each having their things to do and go to.
I've been working on a couch to 5k running program. I'm struggling with this week 3 and will be redoing it. There is skepticism on redoing a week but I really feel my body could use a repeat.. I'm not sure I really want to run a 5k.. I haven't enjoyed the running thing at all. But I have to say I'm amazed at how I've progressed. I have so much work to do with my weight that its frustrating but I'm pressing on.. someday I will get ahead of this. I dont' know if I'll ever 'beat it' but I will be working on that for sure.
Last but not least its that time of year.. Aubrey's birthday and figuring out costumes for the 4 children now and I have no idea whatsoever for any of them. I really need to get working on that! I also need to figure out where, what, and who for Aubrey's birthday but that is slow in coming as well. sighhhh.. 4 kids is a LOT of work but I love 'em.
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