Something God is teaching me is trust. I would normally say I totally trust God in all things. His plan, His ways, I mean-why wouldn't I? Not trust the creator of the universe? The Author of my days, my every breath?
Fact is He is revealing to me that I don't trust Him as I should.
It seems the visual everyone likes to use for trust is where you have 2-4 people stand across from each other, locking arms. Then you, the one who is displaying what trust looks like, falls backward into the locked arms.
Trust. I trust you will catch me, hold me, keep me safe.
In the core of my being, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I can trust God. The real question is, do I live like I trust Him?
There isn't one speck of my life that God doesn't already know everything about. So why I don't go to Him first, and lay it His feet? (control)
Yea.. control freak here. I like to know what's going on, what will happen next, when I don't know-I try harder to know, control and eventually take over.
When I see my kids doing things they shouldn't be-doing things that are just too big for them to do yet-i.e. pouring a full gallon of milk into a tiny bowl of cereal.
In my frustration I throw my hands up and back down at my side-"what in the world are you doing? You can't do that, that's too hard for you, you need to ask for help next time"I picture God the same way-looking at me thinking-"you should've asked for help with that."
In some cases, the milk will still spill-but what will my attitude look like. Will I be frustrated and trip in my own mistake? Or will I clean up the mess and press on, because my trust is in the correct place?
Trusting Him completely-its my current work in progress.
Ohhhh, I like the cereal bowl analogy. Good stuff.