Thursday, September 1, 2011

Political Correctness "PC"

Are you "PC"?

Do you speak it?

Probably do more than we even realize in this day and age. The culture as become that of one that takes great offense in any aspect that pertains to it.

We "have" to use certain words to describe certain people, ways of living, or organizations so as not to offend. As soon as you offend someone, that person usually, cry's foul.  You can count on a number of organizations coming to that person's aid, lawsuits may happen, etc.

Is this the kind of people we want to be? Do we want to be overly sensitive to everything others think or say?
One of Josh and I's favorite comedians, Brad Stine, talks about being "PC", or the lack of. Because you know how you stop being "PC"? You just don't do it.  Someone says"You've offended me"  You say " I don't care.. game over.. I win" Put a helmet on.. and slam it down tight!
He does a bit about Oversensitive Witches that you should watch.
There's a point where being sensitive to other's feelings, having manners, and letting all sense go out the window to save someone from their "feeling offended"

There are so many news stories about that one person that is offended by a Cross, the Ten Commandments, "Under God" in our pledge of allegiance, praying in schools, on and on, and that one person that is offended, gets what the want and the majority that want all the above listed-have to bow to one person's feelings. 
If this is truly America, Land of the Free, why do we change so much for one person? Can that one person just not look at the Cross as he/she drives by it? Not read the Ten Commandments? Chose not to say, "under God" or to pray.. and let the rest of us participate in our freedoms to DO SO?

Why is one person's freedom and feeling's more important than another? All men are created equal unless you are a Christian and make me feel inferior and offended, then I will cry foul and get my way. 

I will teach my kids manners, to be respectful, kind and  caring to one another, but I certainly won't be teaching them to be "PC", most of all I will teach them to stand up for what they believe in regardless of it being popular.
Are you "PC"?

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