I think change is good. It can be scary, but usually, change is for the better. One thing I can rest assured in, the current changes are with the Lord's guidance and that gives me peace.
I have been fighting some changes for a time now, and while I still am stubbornly holding onto some things, I have come to realize that change is inevitable. Knowing that if I want to grow and let the Lord mold me, I shouldn't even be surprised by change.
He is teaching me so much and this is what I love the most about the Lord. When I am actively seeking Him, when I am spending time with Him-He shows up-He speaks to my heart- He just loves on me in a way no human being can possibly even understand!
This past Sunday during worship He spoke to my heart. I stopped singing, I was too choked up, and then I felt that immense peace.
I was so shocked by the still.small.voice.
"See, I am making a new creation, I make all things new"
At that moment I had peace, which then later-of course as I let it marinate in my head-got a bit fearful. What part is being made new? When? I had to cut out the frantic thinking and just let it rest. One thing I need to remember is to actually do just that-rest. Let Him take care of all the details and stay in tune with Him so I know where to go, when to move.
Change is coming-here's to God's new creation in me!
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