Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frustration and Discipline

These two words can sum up my past two weeks.

Frustration because I took my eyes off what I should have been doing and focused on a bunch of other crap that in the end, is spurring me on to something greater.

A few years ago I had stopped watching morning news programs. I would occasionally see something if I was checking the morning weather but wouldn't sit and watch for hour(s) like I had before. After I stopped watching then would see something, awful be it a news story and or horrible slanted reporting, I'd rant and rave and shut it off yet again. I've been moving slower in the morning, we'd had every other day waking up to falling snow and I'd get on the TV to see if we had a school delay or cancellation. So I yet again, got caught up in one story or another and started getting frustrated. The reporting, the slanting, the stories of awful things people did-on and on. During that time one of the stories was about Paula Deen. The whole world is upset with her for her cooking and not being up front about her diabetes. I saw this absolutely ridiculous segment with Matt Lauer and "The Power Players" as they like to call themselves-complete nobody's if you ask me. So these "Power Players" are Star Jones, Donnie Deutsch, and Dr. Nancy Schneiderman(spelling probably wrong-sorry) They all weighed in (no pun intended, ok maybe a lil intended!) on Paula Deen's situation.  The thing that got me the most was the Dr.'s comment as the conversation switched to Paula Deen-to Gov. Chris Christie.
The "good" Dr. said, Gov. Christie shouldn't run for Pres. now or ever, because he is unfit. If he tried to get in the Army, he'd be rejected for his weight, the same standard should be for a Presidency. How we would know that Mr. Christie would be able to push himself away from the dinner table and make a Presidential decision?

Its not a verbatim comment, but you can find the video and that is basically her take, and I have to say, I completely disagree.

Yes, this subject hits close to home, as weight is my struggle as well. What struck me is, so if I am overweight, anyone is overweight, they are unfit to lead? Unfit to make decisions? Being heavy is nothing to be proud of, and it is a symbol of brokenness, I will be the first to admit that. My weight is my shame, and honestly its my biggest failure. I have many faults, some you can't see, some you can-this one you can see, and its something I struggle with daily, but that makes me unfit to be a leader? To make a good decision? I am realizing that I'm probably judged on my weight anytime I walk into a room and that snap judgements will be made on who I am as a person, what kind of life I live, because of how I look.I don't want to worry about how I look or what I weigh as the measure of my life, but I think this society does and from now on will do so.
 If we judged everyone by their weight as equal to their brains-we'd be a very stupid society.
Did  we judge our current President on his smoking habit? I'm sure I remember it being talked about but not in this form, that it would render him incapable of making good decisions, which, if you ask me, might actually be true. (don't stone me I"m kidding.. or am I? ha)

I started hearing the word "discipline" tossed around and it hit me. I'm so undisciplined in so many areas in my life, that's what I'm missing, and that's why I'm frustrated so much.
I was undisciplined to keep the morning news off
                              to exercise daily
                              to read my Bible daily
                              to pray daily
 and really the list could go on and on.

So that is my goal for every day, to learn to be disciplined in my life, in all I do, though I will have to start small to get there, but I will get there. I will also have to realize that in this life, people will fail, I will fail, but God never fails and when my hope, my everything is placed in Him, my life will be as it should be.

Exodus 14:14 The Lord Himself will fight for you, Just stay calm

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