Sunday, November 20, 2011

Black Friday Shopping Tips

I L-O-V-E shopping on Black Friday.

Oh just let me tell you!

Ok, first, I honestly can't stand crowds, they make me anxious and usually its just not fun. I've found a few ways to get over that feeling, at least for one day or few short hours I go into the madness.  I learn more every year as I go out so here are some tips I have to share from my personal experience.

Rules: Each store has them, the time they open, the line you have to stand in, the time you can actually purchase your items. The best way to find out the rules is to ask the store the week of, or read all the fine print in the ad that comes in the paper on Thursday morning. Each store will do it differently. For example, last year Wal-Mart allowed you to come in to shop by midnight, but you weren't allowed to purchase or even take the item until 4a.m. We got in line for a ticket for the item(ours was a flat screen t.v.) at midnight and then you wait until 4a.m. to actually pay for it. One year the first 100 people got a $10 gift card for Sear's, but you had to go to a specific door to actually get it. Another thing to note is, even though you might know exactly where your item will be, electronics, toys, etc. they most likely will not be on that shelf. Most stores will have it out on a pallet and will move other merchandise to make a row of pallets for these things.  If it is a small electronic item,it is possible it will be locked and you will have to ask a clerk to get it for you. Sometimes stores will hand out a map of where the specific pallet may be so you don't run around and miss it, other stores like for everyone to run around like idiots anyway and let you guess where it might be.Always bring the ad for the store with you-should the store decide to change a price or you want to show someone exactly what you are talking about-BRING THE AD!!

Lines: There will be lines, be prepared for the longest line waiting of your life. Before you get in the store, for the item you want, and for actually purchasing your items. Do not EVER cut in line. For the obvious reason its just rude, especially to those who have been freezing or have had no sleep get to where they are in line, jumping in when the door opens can cause people to go mad, I have seen people get punched and pushed for cutting in line. Also, most stores have security guards or even cops, and they will take you away or arrest you if you cut in line-its grade school but its not joke. I know you're laughing, but I'm telling you-its the way it is!!

Time: Black Friday actually doesn't even just happen on Friday anymore, stores are opening at 10pm on Thursday now even so again, check with the store and the ads to find out when it opens. Depending on how badly you want the item or the store you are going to is how you factor what time you actually go to the store to wait. If Toys R Us opens at midnight, you can guarantee that people will being showing up at 10, maybe even 9pm,ok let's face it people might just start eating their Thanksgiving dinner's in line!  One year I went to get a couple of Barbie's that  were going to be in the price range of $2, a midnight only deal. I drove up there at 10pm and found that if I wanted a parking spot-I'd be walking from the mall, Northpark mall-the surrounding lots were FULL, I wasn't going to do that for a barbie, sometimes you just have to weigh the importance of the item. This year Wal-Mart is open at 10pm, I have no idea what time the items will go on sale but a 2hr time cushion might be wise if you think it might be something that will sell quickly.

Children: Do not bring your children to Black Friday, teenagers are one thing-they can handle themselves, but your baby's *ok, if you are breastfeeding and are carrying your baby in a moby wrap/cling you are ok*  toddler's or children under teen years. I repeat DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILDREN. It's no place for them, if it were a movie I'd rate it "R"  It's potentially dangerous, the language can be a bit much from people who are sleepy or are getting angry,there is always a possibility of violence, and sometimes, there are just questionable people out late at night! Now that's just for your children's sake. For you and those around you, still, DO NOT BRING YOUR CHILDREN. Adults barely have the patience to stand in line sometimes and you want to bring your child? No. They will hate it, they will whine, get hungry, thirsty, cry and have to go to the bathroom, as much as I love children and others do-we don't want to hear whining. Get a family member, friend or babysitter to sleep at your house so your adorable children can sleep at home, warm, safe and peaceful.

Clothing: It's November, and you potentially will be waiting outside for 2hrs. You want to dress warmly, but you also need to remember that later you will be waiting in line for 2hrs inside. Layer up well, especially on your feet, standing still for a long time out in the cold is the worst on the toes! Now, whether you pay in cash, check or credit card will depend on what you wear-really-here's why. Carrying your purse is fine, especially if someone cuts in line and you need to smack someone with it(which I would never do but lets say you might need to)it can come in handy, but sometimes it slows you down and with all the shoving to get in the door I worry someone is actually stealing my life away from me during this time. So, if you can carry your purse on your arm INSIDE your coat-that might be safer. If your coat has pockets on the inside consider a small wallet and put the essentials  in it only. Essentials being, credit card, debit card, check, cash, driver's license, and/or store credit card. Extra pockets in your clothing or coat are also helpful for breakfast items, such as an apple or granola bar, don't bring a water bottle unless you are a camel and can hold it in your body for 4 hours. Did you not read my paragraph above on lines? This is serious people! Getting out of line is risking every point of getting up early or losing sleep that night!

Attitude: It all depends on you. If staying up late or getting up early makes you grouchy-check your attitude at the door or stay home. Like I said earlier-people are serious about these sales-they will get ugly with you over the smallest offense. It's sad but true. I've learned to ignore the rudeness and have fun. Yup, you heard me. JUST HAVE FUN! The world isn't going to end if you don't get that flat screen T.V. or a $2 Barbie. It's no doubt disappointing, but its just stuff and we can't take it with us. It's fun to have, and even better to get it cheap(er) but its not worth fighting someone over it and getting arrested. Nothing ruins the day for me more than seeing people get ugly over stuff and hurting someone else in the process. Make it fun, go with family or friends and spread out to help each other get what you want. Meet new people in line around you and enjoy the time you are out shopping for others-or yourself!

Maybe I'll see some of you out there this year?
Good luck, and may the best shopper win.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Not a lot to actually say, just need an outlet.

Something God is teaching me is trust. I would normally say I totally trust God in all things. His plan, His ways, I mean-why wouldn't I? Not trust the creator of the universe? The Author of my days, my every breath?
Fact is He is revealing to me that I don't trust Him as I should.

It seems the visual everyone likes to use for trust is where you have 2-4 people stand across from each other, locking arms. Then you, the one who is displaying what trust looks like, falls backward into the locked arms.

Trust. I trust you will catch me, hold me, keep me safe.

In the core of my being, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I can trust God. The real question is, do I live like I trust Him?

There isn't one speck of my life that God doesn't already know everything about. So why I don't go to Him first, and lay it His feet? (control)

Yea.. control freak here. I like to know what's going on, what will happen next, when I don't know-I try harder to know, control and eventually take over.
When I see my kids doing things they shouldn't be-doing things that are just too big for them to do yet-i.e. pouring a full gallon of milk into a tiny bowl of cereal.
In my frustration I throw my hands up and back down at my side-"what in the world are you doing? You can't do that, that's too hard for you, you  need to ask for help next time"
I picture God the same way-looking at me thinking-"you should've asked for help with that." 
In some cases, the milk will still spill-but what will my attitude look like. Will I be frustrated and trip in my own mistake? Or will I clean up the mess and press on, because my trust is in the correct place?

Trusting Him completely-its my current work in progress.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Place Like Home

Last weekend we drove 4 1/2 hours away to my brother in law's wedding(husband's brother). We drove a short ways on the interstate then hopped through many highways to get to the tiny little town of Pocahontas, Iowa. I don't know the history of this place, I probably should look it up, but there isn't a whole lot to offer there. There is a giant statue of Pocahontas though, and my girls were pretty fascinated with her.

 We got there Friday, a few hours before the rehearsal was to start and were able to get settled in the Bed and Breakfast that was set up by the mother of the bride. We were very thankful that she put us up with everyone else as it was close(10 steps) to where the wedding and reception were being held. I had looked this place up online, asked others about it and wasn't able to find much, so I was slightly worried, OK fine, I was a total snob and figured the place to be a back woodsy dump. Sorry, I know, its awful but true.
We get there and I knew the place for the wedding and reception would be held in a barn, the B&B looked like a log cabin. We go inside and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that it is clean and comfortable. Nothing gross about it. We had almost the whole upstairs for our family, a sitting room with a fridge, table, three beds in our room and our own bathroom.
So we settle in and spend some time with family before the rehearsal is to start. They warn us about the owner of the B&B, and we all laugh, I'm thinking my brother in law is exaggerating, which he is good at and getting a laugh out of us.
That is, until we walked into the barn. Actually we hadn't even stepped into the barn, we only had opened the door and before we ever see anyone we hear her....with a gravelly voice and probably one step away from one of those voice box thingies... DON'T LEAVE THAT DOOR OPEN! SHUT THAT DOOR BEFORE YOU LET THE FLIES IN!

We hurry our children in and shut the door, although we all were a little bewildered and unsure if any of us really wanted to go in that door at all, we should've slammed it shut-and ran-alas, we didn't and in we went.
She comes over to introduce herself as the owner of the B&B, did we find our rooms and make sure to keep the door closed.  As she is rattling off her list of rules one of my daughter's leaned down on a folding chair, tipped it back and set it down again but before it ever hit the floor "DON'T MOVE THE CHAIRS!!!"
My poor daughter was so scared she burst into tears which didn't seem to phase the lady one bit.
Really? You own a B&B? You have guests stay-and they actually stay-shouldn't you have better people skills to be in this line of work? Just a thought-good PR and all...?

Next we headed out to the town's legion hall and had dinner with both families, Josh got to see many Uncles, Aunts and cousin's that he hadn't seen in years. Everyone ate, drank, talked, drank, watched a slide show of pictures, drank, cleaned up, drank, and figured out who was driving who home.

We get back to the B&B, no sight of the Scary Lady and put our kids to bed. Came back down to Bride and Groom's sitting room to find lots of cousin's had come out and everyone drank and sat around talking for the next 3 hours. Well, Josh and I being the old people of the room checked out at 1230, everyone else stayed and drank for who knows how much longer, I've never lived in a frat house-but I'm guessing that's what one looks like-and smells like-with as much alcohol was in that place.

Wedding day started out uneventful, it was an afternoon wedding so relaxing morning turned into crazy afternoon. My youngest two were in the wedding, along with Josh, so we got them ready before the rest of us. It was a very nice and short wedding. Jaden and Ella did amazing-walked up and back down without a hitch-they were just too cute! I think my favorite part of the weekend was watching Jaden with the bride's uncle and grandpa. They  seemed to become fast friends, high five's and fist bumps turned into smiles on cue from Jaden. That also turned into, gum by the packetful and pennies, dimes and quarter's "coming out of Jaden's ears" So much so that I had to empty his pockets periodically-I think he made $3! Still if you ask him now what is in his ears, he will tell you " Pennies!"

Later after the dinner everyone was dancing and drinking from the flowing keg, at least tonight, most didn't have to drive home-just stumble across the 10 steps it took from the barn to the B&B.
I, of course, had to take the kids back to the room much earlier than the party ever ended-that's where I wish I would've had a babysitter with us! I bummed around in the room from 1030 until 100am where some of the other B&B residents were starting to stumble in. Some fighting started going on-I stepped out to see what it was and realized I didn't want in the middle of it, waited till Josh was done helping clean up at 130 and watched as everyone piled into the Bride and Groom's sitting room, yet again, for more drinking.
Really wouldn't be my way of spending my wedding night, but apparently they didn't mind. Josh and I finally left them and I still heard shouting going on until around 3a.m. Thankfully my kids slept through it all and woke up bright eyed at 730, awesome, thanks kids!

Driving home we had trouble with the van and had to stop at one point to check things out-thought it was the transmission actually, and had to take it pretty slow for awhile-very frustrating when you are 30 minutes from home and Josh had to go to work in 60 minutes. We made it home safely though and happy that the weekend was over. There really is no place like home.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Parking Wars

We live across from 4 apartment complexes. Our street isn't a main road, but its a shortcut and is pretty busy. There are garages and a parking lot  for the apartments but the street becomes the parking lot for most.

Our driveway is a single lane drive,  on the medium to long side-it goes past the house to the detached garage in our backyard-it also cuts off to the left and you are able to park two cars but getting them out isn't easy.

You can see where I'm going with this....

So, since Josh is at work at night, the street parking in front of our house is filled, when he gets home in the morning, he has to park behind the van in the driveway so I can't get out-or park at least 3 houses down.

There are two vehicles that are consistently parked in front of our house-not sure why they like this spot? Josh has asked them repeatedly to park elsewhere or at least leave on spot for him to park. They refuse and things have gotten ugly.

If they happen to be gone-which for some reason they don't leave their apartment much? Josh parks there. When he leaves for work-they know. They have been watching from their apartment, and will come out and move their vehicles to park in front of our house.

As a mom with children by myself at night-this creeps me out.

A few weeks ago the kids and I were sitting in our living room, reading books and waiting for a pizza to be delivered, Josh was sleeping-it was a few hours before he had to leave for work. I look out the window and notice that "Red Truck Guy"(Josh calls them Dumb and Dumber but I refer to them by their vehicles :P) has come out to his vehicle which happens to be parked in front of Josh's truck. I see him stand and stare, then proceed to walk the length of Josh's truck and back, then get in his vehicle and speed off.  Because Red Truck Guy has gotten in Josh's face and they both had a shouting match, I won't deal directly with him, the childish ways and weird behavior is enough to make me stay away.So after he drives off, I go out and look at Josh's truck to find it has nice key scratch all the way down.
I let Josh know and he is furious. He talks to the people who own the apartments and they refuse to do anything, our word against theirs. Awesome.

Another week or two passes by and Josh had to unload stuff from the truck to the garage, I parked the van in the street in front of our house. Josh leaves for work, I don't even remember that the van is in the street and it stayed there all night.
The kids and I head out early to the farmer's market the next morning and I get in to drive after buckling everyone and look in my driver's side mirror to see if I can pull out into the street-and see that my mirror is cracked.
I can't prove that Red Truck Guy did this, but I'm thinking.. if a car drove down the street and hit my mirror-wouldn't there be more damage then just the mirror being cracked-like- the whole mirror would be hanging by the wire? It looks like someone drove a nail  or some sharp object and just hit it to break it.
Another thought-how is it that Red Truck Guy and Son with White Camaro can park their vehicles in front of our house, day after day, night after night, and never suffer any trouble?
An annoying coincidence or foul play?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Today is a day...

that started with a troubling phone call. Nothing major-work issue-but one that puzzles me and that I wish to go fix, but the day is too packed to even try. So I have to let it go for today.

Then when I go to take my girls to school, and because we are later than normal, we got stuck in the usual traffic jam of 4 lanes of traffic, one bus that is stuck in the middle, kids darting through moving cars and we are at the back. I park the van in the middle of the road, obviously no one is moving, go around get the girls out, and walk them safely to the sidewalk of the school.. come back to the van to see that one of my precious girls has unbuckled Jaden and he is running amok in the van. I catch and buckle him, get in and of course, now traffic is moving and I'm getting honked at. I start to move and notice something odd about Aubrey..something she has yet to notice.
Her backpack is still in the van.  So like the ever calm mom that I am, I roll the window down and...
She comes and we've blocked traffic twice now and the little dears are finally hurrying off to school.

Next phase comes when I get home to grab water bottles, snacks, toys, socks and shoes Jaden and I can go to Stroller Strides. I *think* I get it all and we head out and drive down the road-only to realize-I'm still wearing flip flops. So we turn around go back home so I can get my socks and shoes ,and head back out. I'm 5 minutes from the park when I look down at my coolant levels. I never look at it, I can only attest the fact that I looked at it to God. You know that Holy Spirit nudging? So thankful for that! I keep an eye on it until we park and call Josh to see if he can bring some water and coolant. He's working but call when I'm done.
I do the grueling class in the heat for an hour and start the van, looks good.
We start driving and it shoots up to HOT. The light comes on, its ringing at me, I'm expecting it to smoke.. or burst into flames movie style, any minute.
Thankfully I was able to pull it in quickly stop and shut it off. Also thankfully, my mom was nearby so she took Jaden  back home to be cool and I sat in the shade until Josh came and filled everything up, was able to drive home and all is well.
I have 45minutes to eat lunch and shower before I have to pick up kids at this point because its a two hour early out for extreme heat. We had two extra kids today and it was-mass chaos-you could tell it was Friday. Everyone was just insanely crazy and I am just glad the day is finally over.
These long stressful days are a great reminder to enjoy those days I have nothing to do and soak it in as much as I can-not feeling guilty in the least for it either! Now.. when I can see about getting me one of those days sometime soon here....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Political Correctness "PC"

Are you "PC"?

Do you speak it?

Probably do more than we even realize in this day and age. The culture as become that of one that takes great offense in any aspect that pertains to it.

We "have" to use certain words to describe certain people, ways of living, or organizations so as not to offend. As soon as you offend someone, that person usually, cry's foul.  You can count on a number of organizations coming to that person's aid, lawsuits may happen, etc.

Is this the kind of people we want to be? Do we want to be overly sensitive to everything others think or say?
One of Josh and I's favorite comedians, Brad Stine, talks about being "PC", or the lack of. Because you know how you stop being "PC"? You just don't do it.  Someone says"You've offended me"  You say " I don't care.. game over.. I win" Put a helmet on.. and slam it down tight!
He does a bit about Oversensitive Witches that you should watch.
There's a point where being sensitive to other's feelings, having manners, and letting all sense go out the window to save someone from their "feeling offended"

There are so many news stories about that one person that is offended by a Cross, the Ten Commandments, "Under God" in our pledge of allegiance, praying in schools, on and on, and that one person that is offended, gets what the want and the majority that want all the above listed-have to bow to one person's feelings. 
If this is truly America, Land of the Free, why do we change so much for one person? Can that one person just not look at the Cross as he/she drives by it? Not read the Ten Commandments? Chose not to say, "under God" or to pray.. and let the rest of us participate in our freedoms to DO SO?

Why is one person's freedom and feeling's more important than another? All men are created equal unless you are a Christian and make me feel inferior and offended, then I will cry foul and get my way. 

I will teach my kids manners, to be respectful, kind and  caring to one another, but I certainly won't be teaching them to be "PC", most of all I will teach them to stand up for what they believe in regardless of it being popular.
Are you "PC"?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sometimes things just don't fall into place like I want.

I have great intentions.
I think about them, dream about them and see myself where I want to be-getting there is the problem.
I have great determination...sometimes. I've determined, my determination. .has ADHD. I start out all fired up-only to putter out to start on something else, or deal with whatever has popped up that is, obviously, way more important.
Maybe the problem is focusing on too much at once?
I see things in other people that I admire, were they always this way, does it come easy to them, did they have to fight tooth and nail to be where they are?
Growing up I'd always considered myself average. Average height, weight, looks, personality. Average is fine, sometimes it puts ya right in the middle. Not a bad spot to be-until average  in some areas, takes a downward spiral to "less than".
We all want to fit in, to be accepted, sometimes even appreciated.
Abandoned and lonely are things most people fear. Its a fear of mine. It can make you feel desperate-and people can get stupid when they get desperate.
Desperation can also lead to Redemption. Always, when I get to the end of my rope and fear, loneliness and desperation kick in, I remember Who created me. When determination fails, self loathing seeps in and desperation occurs-He was there-always there with arms wide open, just waiting for me to finally turn and cry out for help.
Why I wait until I'm at the bottom and end of the rope, I'll never understand. How much easier and peaceful my walk would be. 
The song in my heart is from Hillsong, Forever Reign:
You are good
You are good
When there's nothing good in me
You are love
You are love
On display for all to see
You are light
You are light
When the darkness closes in
You are hope
You are hope
You have covered all my sin

(Verse 2)
You are peace
You are peace
When my fear is crippling
You are true
You are true
Even in my wandering
You are joy
You are joy
You're the reason that I sing

You are life
You are life
In You death has lost its sting

Oh I'm running to Your arms
I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

(Verse 3)
You are more
You are more
Than my words will ever say
You are Lord
You are Lord
All creation will proclaim
You are here
You are here
In Your presence I'm made whole
You are God
You are God
Of all else I'm letting go

Hallelujah forever
All the glory forever
All the praise to You

My heart will sing
No other name
Jesus Jesus

Is there a promise as great as that? He is God. So simple, so true, so comforting. In the depths of my heart, He is the Only One-I pray one day my life will be that all out example, that my valley's won't be so low and when I run to His arms, it won't be because of my lowest desperation, it'll be because He is my King, and there's no other place I'd rather be.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

He holds the whole world in His hands

In the midst of chaos its all I can think about. It didn't come to me easily, but after I sat worried about a myriad of critical issues-I got that still small whisper. I wasted all that time worrying-why is it so easy to do?
Last night my husband went to work his third shift job, the job he has come to loathe this past year as management has decided to turn the place upside down, to the entire plant being evacuated because of a bomb threat.  For the past month they have had to have their belongings searched as they've walked into the plant because of the threats of blowing the plant up, now a real threat called in saying it was in there. My husband had to wait outside for hours while the entire plant was searched for this bomb-which there was none.
What about next time though-tonight? Next week..month? Its crazy to think that someone would actually do this-but our world is no stranger to crazy. When I think about all that has happened in this plant this past year such as:
No overtime for electricians, no double-time pay on the weekend and watch every move you make, because management will write you up for the most ridiculous of "wrongs" i.e. A man was recently written up for "passing gas while on the job" -his course of action to take next time was to ask the floor supervisor to use the bathroom, or shut off the line.
Small amounts of employees have been fired-not enough to make it newsworthy as our economy sinks further you have to wonder what depths someone will go to in the name of money? Justice? Anger?
When the union you pay your dues to doesn't lift a finger to help you-you tend to get agitated. You start to wonder about a good sized plant gets a bomb threat, its evacuated and  hundreds of people are standing outside-how does the media not get a hold of this? Conspiracy?
I'm not one to get crazy about that kind of stuff-it makes you think though-I have my hope in Christ. We may be financially burdened right now-frustrated and upset with the politics of unions and corporations-but that doesn't make me want to blow up a building with innocent employees.

The only thing I can do during these times-is to trust in Him. I have no control over any of this. I can worry all I want but it won't change anything,. So I will willingly put my faith the Lord. Life will be scary at times, frustrating and upsetting, but He is constant. He will never leave me nor forsake me.
I can only hope and pray that whoever is threatening and maybe really thinking about doing something this damaging-will be stopped and find peace.
John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Another school year begins

I have a 3rd, 2nd grader and Kindergartner. Jaden is still home with me, not quite sure if he loves or hates that they are gone all day. He asks for them, but generally stays occupied. I also keep him busy, while enjoying the fact I can get a whole lot more done during the day-stores are quieter now and not as busy, which is also nice.
Aubrey's first week of 3rd grade has gone well. She is loving her teacher and seeing friends again. She's so social she just loves school-I hope it continues to stay that way!
Kaylyn's first week of 2nd grade has been great too-she comes home bubbly with everything that happened during the day-mostly everything that her teacher says-she repeats back to me. How's that for retaining information?
Ella's first week of Kindergarten hasn't gone as well. Her second day in she fell on the playground. I get the call from the nurse and she is bawling and I try to soothe but over the phone is so hard. I didn't cry when I took her the first day but that was my undoing. Hearing your child hurt and not being able to be there to hug the ouch away is hard. It also reminds me that I can't be there for everything in her life and this is part of her growing experience. After school she was all smiles so that helped, but then I start to hear her and Aubrey tell me how Ella was sent back to class but got lost-Aubrey found her(which I know was God sending her to Ella at the exact time and place she needed her to be) and took her back to class. Today I sent her with money to get a chocolate milk-a treat for the girl's lunch and when they get home I have to hear how Ella didn't know who to ask so didn't get any milk. We went over it, the girls told her as much as they could about how to do it but I guess she just didn't know. My other thought is-um-Teachers, Nurses, Lunch staff-shes in kindergarten-first week-maybe someone could be a little more attentive to those that are obviously still figuring the system out?
Being a parent is so hard. You have to sit and watch them stumble, fall and get back up, you have no control over the circumstances in their lives. My comfort and hope is only in the Lord-I know He loves them so much more than I do, and even in tiny situations like Ella has had this week-He is there always-especially when I'm not there, I can trust in Him.
On a lighter  note I have spent the week cleaning. Ok, I did take some time to do some fun things-Josh and I went bowling with Jaden today, just us and the elderly crew, it was fun, sort of a date with just a tiny third wheel. Of course, he was awful cute so we didn't mind having him along ;)
Back to the cleaning-I gave up on trying so hard this summer, so when I looked around and saw opportunity to get the deep cleaning my house has needed done-I attacked. I wasn't stopped by fighting, being asked for food, to be entertained, etc. I just cleaned until I decided to be done and it just feels fresher in here. Probably smells and looks better too.
You have to love to how you feel so accomplished and when they get home from school I wait for the: "oo mom-you've worked so hard!" but instead I got-"mo-om, you didn't take a shower at all today? Why are you still wearing your pj's? Here's my lunchbox to clean out, can I have a snack and watch tv"

Cue deflated balloon
Sigh. Well what  can you expect from those filthy adorable children?
Cleaning during the day means I get my nights back to relax and that's my cue to head out-I believe I hear a book calling to me....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


  • headaches are back-wondering if I should go back to the dr. now so I don't have the issues I had last year. I hate feeling like this-what is causing them? :s
  • listening to worship music is lovely and calming.
  • I'm not where I want/need to be-much work to be done
  • uncertainty reigns with jobs/finances at the moment
  • my kids are driving me crazy this week
  • my stack of filing papers is building-I stare it daily-why don't I just file it and be done?\
  • josh and i watched two horribly disappointing movies last night-when the first one is bad and you put the second one in hoping it will be better and you're wrong-fail.
  • why do my friends live so far away-why don't i have friends like that here?
  • its june and only 69 degrees out-awesome!
  • i-tunes had 69 cent music today-double awesome!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

An Uneventful Day

A Saturday with no plans.
Love it.
It's been cloudy, cool and windy all day. The breeze is just flowing through the house and I, again, love it.
I spent my morning getting some groceries, my afternoon cleaning and taking care of Kaylyn's birthday party preparations for next week and now we are just waiting on dinner(chicken pot pie) to cook.
The backyard is sopping wet or I'd send the kids out to play-they are making me somewhat crazy at this point. We've been so busy this week with swimming lessons for 3 out of 4 kids, that takes up the whole morning, and then work for me has stepped up this week so it's just all kinds of busy that today and tomorrow of complete nothingness-is exactly what we need-especially since next week is just as busy!
Dinner's ready-out!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Travel Binders

So yet again I found some craft things I liked AND thought I could do, also thought necessary with a vacation coming in a month. I've only got started on two, not completely finished with those even and I still have two more to make!
So here's my start of what I have, I take credit for  none of these ideas and as I searched for over 15 minutes and couldn't find where this originated from, I won't be able to link but if/when I do find it I will.
Aubrey and Jaden are the only two I got started on so far...
 I used Picnik to make this photo into a coloring page-made multiple ones for each of the kids
 These are Olivia characters-printed, contact papered, cut and used straws so they can use as puppets
 These I put the velcro on  the graphic then on the page so Jaden can move around and "play" with  the characters.
 This is one of my favorites! Dry erase crayons: So we can reuse mazes/puzzles/etc I stuck the paper into the sheet protector, used the dry erase crayon and then wiped it completely clean! Thanks Crayola-you rock!
 The Peanuts cast, playing sewing cards for my children-they look happy-yes?

I also have printed off many many free printables from various websites, some with just plain ole coloring pages, some with movie characters, PBS, Nick Jr. etc. I found some educational stuff for the older three along with a list of license plates, and a map so they can keep track of our route and check off where we had been. I hope they enjoy them on the trip, that it will keep them happy for the most part!

Blah Blah Blah Something.. Blah

Haven't been in here in awhile and that is for numerous reasons.

You know how you have so much going on in your head that if you don't write it out you feel like you could burst?  I had that, except that every time I tried to write it out.. I blanked. I couldn't figure what to say or how to say it.

Obviously my "running" didn't go any further than week 4, of which I actually couldn't even finish the first day. I'm so frustrated about that, because the only reason I know I couldn't is because I'm too heavy.  Every time I tried to push through my body rebelled-pain is one thing, you can push through pain-this was plain and simple-your body cannot physically do this-right now. I am not nor will not give this up. I will one day finish this, I will one day be able to run 1 mile without stopping to walk. I'm continuing to workout, its the constant battle for me but I will one day beat that as well.  It's a slow process that I'd love to speed up, but I also realize being patient is a big part of the journey.

Summer is now here, kids are out of school, and we have begun  the journey of
1. Non-stop hunger: The minute those lil eyes see daylight they are "starving" they want to know when the next snack will be, what it will be, even if they are currently eating said snack. I'm not sure if this comes from boredom? Which is what I heard growing up, "you're not hungry, you're looking for something to do.. go find something else"

2. BORED: " I don't have anything to do, my toys are broken, old, I don't like them anymore.." I hear much of this( did I say that this is only the first full week out of school??)

3. Canwego? : It's a run-on word.. I hear it repeated multiple times and fast as it becomes blurred into one word.. doesn't matter where.. just that we need to get there and now.

4.TV: Are cartoons on? Can I watch a movie? Can I play the Wii?

I'm  annoyed already thinking of all this annoying stuff so.. moving on.. I am so glad I found Blogger because of my obsessive need to search crafty blogs, I stumble onto some amazing ideas for the kids for the summer.  I'm planning on being careful with these amazing ideas-as to not use them up too quickly because it always seems that last week or two of summer before school resumes, turns into complete madness. Everyone just seems to be ready for that next phase and be done with the break so let's see how well I do stretching this out!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

I think about this too late every year and feel rushed to make/buy something. I scoured craft blogs and found something I thought I could do easy, cheaply(not because I am cheap, but because it cost me $70 to fill up my van and money is tight!)and decent enough for their teachers. As I kept reading I found a survey done by teachers naming their best and worst gifts. In the worst column was an item similar to what I was planning to make. Eek. So I asked around and got the feeling that what I was doing was fine, but a reminder to me that I need to think about this earlier and not be so last minute!
Without further ado-my teacher gifts:

I got the basket at Target for $1, the jar for the sugar scrub for $1 at JoAnn's, gum, pen, star post it notes and then the girl's made cards for each of their teachers. Its not wonderful but I hope they like it.


My next craft was to make cards for my third daughter's upcoming birthday. I'd never used the Cricut for card making so it took me a few tries to figure sizes and wording, but she likes the finished product-so that's all that matters!

There is more on the inside of the card(first picture) but I had already filled out all the personal info so I can't show it! I had a lot of fun making them and realized they all did not need to be uniform, so each was the same colors but different variations. She is having a flower birthday party at the end of this month so we are very excited!
I also made my mom a mother's day card
and I filled the inside with lots of love ya mom stuff. ;)

Burp Rags

Babies, babies, babies!!!! Happened to be the last few months that multiple were due at the same time.  My sewing is minimal at best, but I figured to attempt some burp rags. I cannot remember which blog I got the idea or dimensions from or I'd link back, sorry! So I in no way take any credit for any part of these except for picking out fabric, buying fabric and slaving and toiling for the finished product!

I also have to add I am horrible with math so I always just bought fabric, at the moment I have multiple cotton flannel w/ batting sewn on and but no chenille because after making around 20 of these, I quit. At some point I will have to finish them, but the hardest part is done, and I love that they were fairly easy, cute and made great gifts!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I think this is the first time I'm sharing a craft-so I have to admit-I'm nervous. I pour through countless blogs of extremely talented people and drool with jealousy over their creations. I can't remember or find(how does that happen?) where I saw the craft I made, but it started with the Headband Holder over at A girl and a glue gun.

With 3 girls, a small house, my drawer for hair crap was over flowing and I, and especially my husband couldn't stand it anymore.

So I used some leftover wood, Josh put it all together for me, and used the staple gun to get the fabric nice and tight over the wood. I then used the headband holder tutorial and  hot glued the ribbon onto the frame. Next I added some ribbon on the top for all those hair clips we can never find in the drawer and screwed some hooks into the bottom for hair ties, bracelets, and necklaces!

This picture is of the one I did for my niece, so its slightly smaller than the one I made for my girls, and its also chalk full of girly goodies for her birthday today!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I-almost-did it! On the second set I had a really hard time and walked for 10-15sec and went right back to it. It still hurts to do it, but I'm more determined than ever to get there and try my hardest with a better attitude about the whole thing.
Praying helps too. Prayer is a part of my everyday life, and originally I didn't even think about praying for this.. so I am. I should've done it in the first place!
He is my strength, when I am weak. I'm weak in a lot of areas. The more  I realize I need Him for everything, and realize it right away-the better I can be.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Science Project

Aubrey brought home her science project today-it will stay with us until spring break is over.

It's a meal worm and pupa.

Yea. This is gross to me. We have a small home, its in a clear tube and where do we put it? She thought it should be on the kitchen  windowsill. Where I can see it when I'm cooking?? NO!
So then I said the bathroom on the shelf, and that seems to be ok for now.

Then why can't I stop thinking about this thing in the tube?? All night, I'm thinking.. is it in there still? Is it going to get out, is it going to EAT ME in my sleep?!?!
 I hate bugs or anything ugly, creepy, crawly.. bluch.
How did I get so lucky to get this thing for a WHOLE WEEK?!

Josh and I were talking about it and I thought Aubrey was in the other room, which she was but close enough to hear even our whispered words, and she caught his.." maybe it will die and we can throw it away..."
She ran in tears streaming, starts to yell at us, sweeps the tube in her arms and covers it like she isn't going to let any harm come to this poor defenseless.. ahem... meal worm...and sobs out the whole."if I don't take care of my meal worm and pupa, feed it every day and write my observations, I'm going to get an "F" I can't let my teacher down, I can't kill this meal worm!!"
Seriously-am I having this conversation? Did she join PETA when I wasn't watching her?
You never go to school just once. You go through it again with each of your children.
We have arranged care for this disgusting creature while we are gone for 3 days in MN, I felt ridiculous asking my mom to do this, but she agreed. Amazing!

On another note I am starting week 3 tomorrow-I feel no more excited about this than any other part of this training deal.. we'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Die Hard...or Stupid?

I vote for stupid.

Headed out to jog in the cold, wind, and rain. Yick. I completed week 2 tonight and will be moving on to week 3. That's where I left off last time. Not for reasons of straight up quitting, just life got in the way and that was it. I'm figuring if I can make it to week 4.. and beyond.. that will be an accomplishment itself. I'm wondering if I'll ever get over feeling miserable during and after every stint. Even though I'm completing the assigned task, I still feel like its beating me. I'm not a competitive person normally, but...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Giving up?

Either I'm a sucker and like the punishment and pain, or I'm a straight up idiot.

I did week 2 day 2 today. It was better than Saturday, so I feel there is hope, but its still so hard. I still want there to be some easy component to it. 

I was asked today how the program was going and how it worked. I know she didn't mean to make me feel three inches tall-but she said when she heard I was doing it, she thought for sure then she could do it too.

Ah great, now I'm the measure of weakness.Sigh. I'm not a prideful person-at least when it comes to self-esteem, I'm the least of these, and I obviously have outward issues, as well as inward, but it still hurts to be known as the "heavy girl" the "one who is slowest" the "one who can't run"  the "crazy lady with 4 kids"
Labels are no fun, so in any circumstance I know I need to press on. I know who I am in Christ, and that is all that should matter.
Looking up and moving forward.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Death of Jogging.

Week 2. Ugh.

It was not good. I did it, but it sucked. How is it even possible to get to the end  of this program? I'm not sure it is.. for me.
I think I'm doing ok but then while I'm out there I just want to quit. I want to quit and never think about jogging again.
It has to be mind over matter-because my body could do it, painfully, but I was fighting myself the whole time.

I think my question is: If I keep on doing this, will I eventually catch on and get my stride, or will this always be hard for me? Honestly. I want easy. I want to go out there  and do it, and be proud of myself. Instead I feel like a miserably slow overweight person who is insane for trying this in the first place.

It's embarrassing. I think an actual snail passed me today.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Couch to 5K

I started the couch to 5k over again. It's the SS trainer doing workshops for it and so I'm being held accountable. Today was the first day and I was the only one doing the 5k and of course, forgot my stop watch so my SS trainer had to be with me the whole time- it was good in the way that I kept going and didn't give up, but I felt like a LOSER with how slow I am and she was nice enough to not say anything but this is the girl who can run a marathon in under 3 hours. It's been taking me 45 min to do 2 miles. LOSER. The idea at the end of this is to run the mother's day 5k, which I didn't know when i signed up and now that I do know.. I had a nightmare about it. Being last and everyone packing up and leaving, falling, losing my guts on the trail.. not even finishing the workshop to even DO the 5k. Obviously, most of this has got to be a mental hurdle to overcome? I don't want to be a runner, I just want to know that I can run and not feel like I'm going to die. I cheated in all my school years, i NEVER ran the full mile you were required. I hate that fact and I want to change that stigma I have in my head-that I can't run. I have to run two times on my own before next saturday, but my goal is to work out every day, and just incorporate that in.

So there it is. My fear and self-esteem in black and white.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heard 'round here

MOM-look at my knees!!!! They're RUSTY!!! (Kaylyn, age 6, trying to say that her legs were dry)

ooo I have mouth freeze! (Ella, age 4, while eating ice cream)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Unconditional Love

While I was ..uh.. wasting my time on facebook today, I came across a video. I'm sure this is going around the internet like wildfire, as it is a wonderful video and shows the best of humanity.
Here it is

Pretty amazing huh?

A comment was made about this being a picture of unconditional love. No doubt there is love, and he never made the commitment of marriage yet and he is still sticking by her. We don't see enough of that in today's society.

What I first felt while seeing and reading some comments was- "but do you know who loves you unconditionally all day every day since before you were born?"
I feel sad that our Lord, our Creator, the very One that gives us breath, is basically forgotten. I love seeing and hearing amazing stories like in the video above, but I so wish people would come to know the Love surpasses all understanding. If we knew what that kind of love was.. we would never search for it in people, food, money, addictions, etc. If we always ran with open arms to the One whose arms are always open for us-we wouldn't feel that hurt in disappointment that we feel when everything else around us fails.

Another song just popped in my head.. which is JJ Heller's What Love Really Means.
He loves us with an everlasting love -nothing can compare. He created us, He loves us each all, equally, despite our sin, not for what we've done, or what we will become-that is unconditional love.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Praise music and dirty dishes

I hate doing the dishes-loathe-abhor-etc. I put what I can in the dishwasher and hand wash the rest, its not much, I shouldn't complain. There is one thing that gets me through it.. my cd player/radio. I can crank it up, the music fills the kitchen, I can belt out any song and its just me, the dirty-almost clean dishes and the Lord. I really love to sing, and there is just something that fills my spirit to sing praise and worship music, doing the meaningless tasks, that puts a goofy smile on my face and a quietness in my heart. It doesn't matter that the day was long, my body aches and longs to rest, the kids have fought since they got home from school and that I have a mountain of laundry to tackle later.. its one way to spend time with the Lord-to think about all He has done, and praise Him for it.
He is my peace and my rest.
He is my all in all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Why's

Why do some people....
-try to force you to be who they want you to be
-do what they want you to do
-stand on their pedestal and claim they are better than everyone
-brush off your ideas/emotions as crap
-pretend like you can never be hurt, but they can always be hurt-and by you
-act so closed minded
-act like jr. highers when they are well beyond that age
-never take on any blame
-never admit they are wrong
-never say sorry

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


..if we ever fully realize our actions/attitudes affect on those around us?
..if someone pointed out our wrong/selfishness/pride-would we listen and try to make a change?
..if we could daily put other's needs above our own?
..if that amazing key lime pie I just ate would magically burn calories without me doing anything?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Change can most certainly be a good thing. In many instances for the moment, change is very good.

Ella is starting a new preschool -so far as I can tell-good change.

We "quit" small group-in essence not a good thing-but good for Josh and Kaylyn, as they were suffering with allergy issues weekly. Also a good thing, its the only night Josh is off that there is nothing else going on so we have already had some fun family time-so all in all- good change.

Josh is going to the gym after work every morning-good change. It has presented some new challenges, but we are working through them.

I've tried to work out every morning after dropping kids off, sometimes this works sometimes not so I try to fit it in later in the day, that proves to be more challenging, but all in all, I'm excited that Josh and I are both working out and that is most definitely a good change.
I am on day 15 of Reading the Bible through the year and I'm happy with how that's going. It's started in Genesis and I have to admit sometimes I get lost in the "begets" and "laws" I ask the Lord to show me even one thing and He has done that, many times. I hope that I will never make it be my daily task that I check off, but that it becoming ingrained and become part of me. That I will grow closer to the Lord.

We got the call I've been dreading since last year.. Aubrey has to go in for her VCUG next month. (She got UTI's often and we had this VCUG done last year-it showed she was a level 3 of 5 for this flap that is letting urine back up into her kidney's-she's been on low dose antibiotics to keep infections away and hope to let this grow) So we will see if it has grown, and dr. will then decide if another year of waiting will be helpful or if surgery will be the case. We pray that she will be complete and have a full bill of health. Totally trusting God in this, and only thinking about getting her through the test, which right now is the toughest part.

We are still trying to sell this house-it will be officially back on the market in March, so we are already looking around for what else can be done to freshen it and prepare it for selling and open houses. I quit looking at homes for sale for the past few months but am back at it again. Many homes are still there that I remember seeing last year-which doesn't make me feel all that great about our chances. Again, trusting that to the Lord, in His timing.

Last but not least in the year of change is that I turn 30 this year-leaving the 20's behind and hitting the big 3-0 on the 30th!