Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music I'm singing

Avid music lover here-I have these songs in my heart lately.

I just love the fact that the name of Jesus is SO powerful

And this song just gives me complete goosebumps-words and music just move my Spirit to praise the One-the Only One who is worthy of Praise.
"You came down to find us, led us out of death"
Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me

Ella started preschool today

I really can't believe its that time already, and she, much like what Aubrey did when she went-ran out the door to get there as fast as possible. She said goodbye when we got in there and ran off like she's been going everyday for the last 4years.
Jaden yelled when we left, like why couldn't he stay too?
So he and I went shopping. I thought this would be the perfect time to get all my errands done-1 child-that almost never happens! Except now he hates the cart and proceeded to yell and scream as though I'd harmed him in some way. So while I only had 1 child-it felt like I had 4. The noise, the inability to remember what I came for, and the hurrying out to get away from the stares of those who probably came to Wal-mart during the 930am "quiet time".

Of which I didn't get the memo that there was a "quiet time".

Yesterday was a trying day so I planned this day to be easy. So after I dealt with that, spilled my bowl of cereal and later proceeded to spill half my lunch-on the floor. I'm considering quitting today.
I'll just skip to Tuesday please and thank you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Talk around the house..

"Mom..can we watch Cheese in the Dessert?"
(aka. Cheaper by the Dozen)
Ella- age 4

"Hey lets be the Chipheads!"
aka the Chipette's from Alvin and the Chipmunks-the squeakquel
Kaylyn- age 6

The Three Little Heaters

Most of these summer mornings I've been waking up with someone's foot in my stomach, head on my back, hands on my face and I'm dripping in sweat.
Because my three girls feel the need to sometime in the night to come and "share" my bed.
Every night before bed I remind them to stay in their own beds, but every morning its the same.
Don't they understand what it means to me to have room to spread out?
To not be kicked in the stomach as they toss and turn?
To even have a COLD side of the pillow to turn over to?

Apparently not.

In the winter the three little heaters come in handy.. but in the heat of august.. no thanks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer : The End

Well not officially till next Thursday, but I'm amazed its practically here.
Aubrey will be in 2nd, Kaylyn in 1st and Ella will attend preschool. They are all excited and can't wait to be starting. I, after the past few days, share their excitement as the bickering has increased and I'm way past over it.
We recently got back from a weeks long vacation in Ohio with our friends. We spent a day at Cedar Point, the NFL Hall of Fame, Science museum, the beach and some relaxing days just hanging out. It was so great being back with our friends once again, the time was too short, but I am grateful for the time we had.
Still trying to sell the house, though when our time is up with qcfsbo again we will not renew and will most likely wait the winter out before trying again. Its been so frustrating seeing house after house I loved sold, before we ever got our house on the market, and now not seeing anything we like, nor getting any interest on our own home.
Work has been good, keeping me busy, and I still enjoy it which is always a good thing. A few months ago I wouldn't hit the 10hr mark, and now I can't even get under it, and sometimes am over. 10 hours never sounded like much, but coupled with taking care of a home and family.. its amazing how much it adds to the busyness of life.
Josh and I recently went in to get our eyes checked, we both had glasses as kids, and only he came out needing a prescription. I'm pretty pleased about that!
Jaden is saying more and more words every day, it is so fun to hear him finally break out. I think the older sisters have made him feel like why would he ever need to talk/walk/do anything on my own? He's going to be 2 in December and that is crazy to think about!