Friday, January 28, 2011

Unconditional Love

While I was ..uh.. wasting my time on facebook today, I came across a video. I'm sure this is going around the internet like wildfire, as it is a wonderful video and shows the best of humanity.
Here it is

Pretty amazing huh?

A comment was made about this being a picture of unconditional love. No doubt there is love, and he never made the commitment of marriage yet and he is still sticking by her. We don't see enough of that in today's society.

What I first felt while seeing and reading some comments was- "but do you know who loves you unconditionally all day every day since before you were born?"
I feel sad that our Lord, our Creator, the very One that gives us breath, is basically forgotten. I love seeing and hearing amazing stories like in the video above, but I so wish people would come to know the Love surpasses all understanding. If we knew what that kind of love was.. we would never search for it in people, food, money, addictions, etc. If we always ran with open arms to the One whose arms are always open for us-we wouldn't feel that hurt in disappointment that we feel when everything else around us fails.

Another song just popped in my head.. which is JJ Heller's What Love Really Means.
He loves us with an everlasting love -nothing can compare. He created us, He loves us each all, equally, despite our sin, not for what we've done, or what we will become-that is unconditional love.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Praise music and dirty dishes

I hate doing the dishes-loathe-abhor-etc. I put what I can in the dishwasher and hand wash the rest, its not much, I shouldn't complain. There is one thing that gets me through it.. my cd player/radio. I can crank it up, the music fills the kitchen, I can belt out any song and its just me, the dirty-almost clean dishes and the Lord. I really love to sing, and there is just something that fills my spirit to sing praise and worship music, doing the meaningless tasks, that puts a goofy smile on my face and a quietness in my heart. It doesn't matter that the day was long, my body aches and longs to rest, the kids have fought since they got home from school and that I have a mountain of laundry to tackle later.. its one way to spend time with the Lord-to think about all He has done, and praise Him for it.
He is my peace and my rest.
He is my all in all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Why's

Why do some people....
-try to force you to be who they want you to be
-do what they want you to do
-stand on their pedestal and claim they are better than everyone
-brush off your ideas/emotions as crap
-pretend like you can never be hurt, but they can always be hurt-and by you
-act so closed minded
-act like jr. highers when they are well beyond that age
-never take on any blame
-never admit they are wrong
-never say sorry

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


..if we ever fully realize our actions/attitudes affect on those around us?
..if someone pointed out our wrong/selfishness/pride-would we listen and try to make a change?
..if we could daily put other's needs above our own?
..if that amazing key lime pie I just ate would magically burn calories without me doing anything?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Change can most certainly be a good thing. In many instances for the moment, change is very good.

Ella is starting a new preschool -so far as I can tell-good change.

We "quit" small group-in essence not a good thing-but good for Josh and Kaylyn, as they were suffering with allergy issues weekly. Also a good thing, its the only night Josh is off that there is nothing else going on so we have already had some fun family time-so all in all- good change.

Josh is going to the gym after work every morning-good change. It has presented some new challenges, but we are working through them.

I've tried to work out every morning after dropping kids off, sometimes this works sometimes not so I try to fit it in later in the day, that proves to be more challenging, but all in all, I'm excited that Josh and I are both working out and that is most definitely a good change.
I am on day 15 of Reading the Bible through the year and I'm happy with how that's going. It's started in Genesis and I have to admit sometimes I get lost in the "begets" and "laws" I ask the Lord to show me even one thing and He has done that, many times. I hope that I will never make it be my daily task that I check off, but that it becoming ingrained and become part of me. That I will grow closer to the Lord.

We got the call I've been dreading since last year.. Aubrey has to go in for her VCUG next month. (She got UTI's often and we had this VCUG done last year-it showed she was a level 3 of 5 for this flap that is letting urine back up into her kidney's-she's been on low dose antibiotics to keep infections away and hope to let this grow) So we will see if it has grown, and dr. will then decide if another year of waiting will be helpful or if surgery will be the case. We pray that she will be complete and have a full bill of health. Totally trusting God in this, and only thinking about getting her through the test, which right now is the toughest part.

We are still trying to sell this house-it will be officially back on the market in March, so we are already looking around for what else can be done to freshen it and prepare it for selling and open houses. I quit looking at homes for sale for the past few months but am back at it again. Many homes are still there that I remember seeing last year-which doesn't make me feel all that great about our chances. Again, trusting that to the Lord, in His timing.

Last but not least in the year of change is that I turn 30 this year-leaving the 20's behind and hitting the big 3-0 on the 30th!